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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dealing with the argentine beef threat

Are Argentina's Cows Happy Eating Grain? -
BUENOS AIRES -- Argentina's fame as a home for happy cows wandering the lush pastures of the Pampas is being challenged as an increasing number of cattle are being crowded into feedlots for the last months of their lives before being served at the table.

While feedlots are common in the U.S., Canada and Europe, Argentina has built up a strong brand as the land of purely grass-fed steak, with flocks of tourists lauding the lean, flavorful steaks served up in Buenos Aires' ubiquitous steakhouses.

But the high price of croplands across the Pampas, higher relative profits for growing grains and government subsidies on feed designed to stimulate production is leading to a surge in the use of feedlots.

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