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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blackhack not down

US interest rates: Mr Bernanke correctly judged the risk of deflation - Telegraph
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 5:55AM GMT 17 Dec 2008

The sort of deflation now spreading across North America, Japan, and parts of Europe is not the benign variety of the late 19th century when prices slid gently for year after year. Debt levels are much higher today, so the deflation effect is that much more dangerous.

The danger is a self-feeding downward spiral as the `real’ burden of debt keeps rising into the slump, as Irving Fisher dissected in his great opus “The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions”.

US inflation was minus 1.7pc in November, and minus 1pc in October. This entirely vindicates the brave decision by Ben Bernanke at the US Federal Reserve -- and our our own Mervyn King at the Bank of England -- to “look through” the oil spike earlier this year and keep his focus on the underlying forces at work in the global economy.

While Mr Bernanke may have been caught flat-footed by the onset of the credit crisis in the summer of 2007, he has since moved with impressive speed.

The string of emergency rate cuts this year have now brought America to the brink of zero. They may prevent the current credit crash from metastasizing into a full-blown depression. We do not yet know for sure. It takes a year or so for the effects of monetary policy to feed through the economy even when the banking system is functioning. It will take even longer this time. But matters would undoubtedly be worse if the Fed’s backwoodsmen had succeeded in imposing a liquidation squeeze on the US economy, as they did from 1930 to 1932.

Mr Bernanke has not run out of ammunition yet. He has a nuclear arsenal, and has begun to use it. The Fed is already buying mortgage debt. It has infinite means of injecting stimulus into the economy by `quantitiative easing’, if needs be. It can ultimately print money and hang it on Christmas trees.

Mr Bernanke correctly judged the risk of deflation. His critics did not anticipate this price collapse. The burden in now on them to explain why they are sure that deflation can safely be left to run its malign course.

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