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Monday, December 15, 2008

JPY by RGE Monitor

  • DB: Given heightened global risk
    aversion, the plunge in global asset prices and a reduced interest-rate
    disadvantage between major economies and Japan, the JPY may trade
    sideways or even appreciate further over the short-to-medium term
    against the USD and EUR even after its recent rally
  • Eisuke
    Sakakibara, formerly Japan's top currency official (via Bloomberg):
    Strong yen is in Japan's national interest, particularly in this
    situation when raw material prices will increase; JPY may rise to 80
    per USD as so-called carry trades unwind
  • Lex: Mood music for
    yen remains good, with currency still undervalued in real
    trade-weighted terms. Global investors continue to unwind yen-funded
    carry trades. Japanese retail investors are switching back into yen
    owing to burnt fingers; but questions over continuing strengthening
    remain since Japan is teetering on the brink of recession and its banks
    are exposed to tanking stock market and mushrooming bankruptcies
  • Jen:
    While USD/JPY can spike lower in times of extreme risk aversion, it
    cannot stay below 100 for long due to Japan's declining financial home
    bias; 110 for USD/JPY makes more sense than 90 over the medium-term
  • MUFJ:
    JPY/USD may fall below 100 in event of a dollar crisis, but won't stay
    there in the long-term due to 1) economic decline from demographic
    shift, 2) large interest rate gap, 3) yen failing to become key reserve
    currency, 4) declining home bias of baby boomers

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